Lieutenant Leslie Cecil Maygar

5th Victorian Mounted Rifles

23rd November 1901

    At the action of Geelhoutboom, November 23, 1901, one of our detached posts was in danger of being outflanked, upon which Lieutenant Maygar rode forward with orders to its officer to retire. While this was being done, when about two hundred yards from the enemy, one of the men had his horse shot, on seeing which Lieutenant Maygar lifted him up on to his own horse. The animal, however, bolted and got into swampy ground, and they were obliged to dismount. Seeing that it was unable to bear the weight of both, Lieutenant Maygar put the trooper on the horse, ordered him to ride for cover, and, under a heavy fire, made his way to shelter on foot.

      Lieutenant Leslie Cecil Maygar, son of Mr. Edwin Willis Maygar, formerly of Bristol, was born on May 26, 1871, at " The Dean " Station, Victoria, New South Wales. Educated privately. Entered the Victorian Mounted Rifles, March 1, 1891, and served in South Africa from February 1, 1901, to July 31, 1902, gaining, besides the Victoria Cross, the King's, and the South African medal with clasps for Transvaal, Orange River Colony and Cape Colony, Served under Major Daly, O.C., 5th V.M.R., and Colonel Pulteney. The Cross was presented to him at Pretoria on June 8, 1902, by Lord Kitchener.


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