Driver Frederick Henry Bradley 

69th Battery Royal Field Artillery

26th September 1901
Driver Frederick Henry Bradley  VC

    The operations during the latter part of the Boer War were extended even into Zululand (where so many Crosses were won in 1879), and a sharp action
 was fought at Itala, on September 26, 1901. Ammunition was running short among those posted at the top of a steep hill, and, to get the necessary supply to them involving great risk of life, Major Chapman called for volunteers for the work. Driver Lancashire and Gunner Bull instantly answered to the call and started across the open space of about one hundred and fifty yards, swept by a pitiless fire. Half-way across, Lancashire was shot, and fell, whereupon Bradley and Gunner Rabb rushed out from their cover, and carried him under shelter. Bradley then started in his turn and endeavoured to carry up the ammunition, succeeding with the help of Gunner Boddy in accomplishing the task. Lancashire, Bull, Rabb and Boddy, for their brave services were awarded the medal for Distinguished Conduct in the Field.

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